Students can find a variety of quiet spaces in campus buildings to study alone, or with partners.

Individualized Plan of Study

This choice allows students to build their own study plan, creating a unique major that speaks to interests across departments and that integrates varied approaches to a particular topic (e.g., aging studies, international business, children's studies, environmental issues, health issues).

A path splits into three options with the sun shining in the background.

⬅︎ Choose Your Path ➡︎

"The flexibility of the Interdepartmental Studies Major allowed me to create a plan of study that was specific to the skills I need for my future career."

Students can find a variety of quiet spaces in campus buildings to study alone, or with partners.

Preapproved Tracks of Study

This choice allows students to develop an individualized track for which sufficient courses exist. Tracks for this choice include: Applied Human Services, Business Studies, and Health Science. Students interested in developing a unique track should discuss their ideas with the Interdepartmental Studies Academic Advisor as soon as possible.