
Cornelia Lang, Ph.D.
DEO, Division of Interdisciplinary Programs
Director, Interdepartmental Studies Program
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, CLAS
Cornelia Lang, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Professor of Physics and Astronomy, joined the faculty in 2002. Dean Lang is active in curricular development and assessment, currently serving as chair of the CLAS General Education Curriculum Committee, and has played a key role in developing and coordinating the UI's "Big Ideas" general education courses. She also is co-chair of the Student Success Working Group of the UI Path Forward initiative, which is responsible for implementing the university's strategic initiatives concerning undergraduate education.

Lindsay Vella, M.F.A.
Administrator, Division of Interdisciplinary Programs
Lindsay Vella is the Departmental Administrator for the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, the Magid Center for Writing, Classics, and African American Studies. She has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Iowa.

Mario Duarte
Interdepartmental Studies Faculty Advisory Committee Member
Senior Academic Advisor

Robyn Falline
Interdepartmental Studies Faculty Advisory Committee Member
Senior Academic Advisor

David Gould
Interdepartmental Studies Faculty Advisory Committee Member
Education Support Services Manager
Visiting Associate Professor

Tracy Meginnis, M.F.A.
Administrative Services Coordinator, Division of Interdisciplinary Programs
Tracy Meginnis is the Administrative Services Coordinator for the Division of Interdisciplinary Programs. Tracy received an M.F.A. in Fiction from New Mexico State University and has a background as an editor, writing instructor, English Language Arts test developer, and research project manager.

Art Spisak, Ph.D.
Interdepartmental Studies Faculty Advisory Committee Member

Andrew Tinkham
Coordinator, Interdepartmental Studies Program
Academic Advisor